The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia has proven to be Canada's largest criminal organization.

The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia was created for the purposes as follows:

  1. Provide British Columbia's motor vehicle registration services.
  2. Provide British Columbia's motor vehicle number plates.
  3. Provide universal and affordable compulsory public auto insurance in British Columbia.
  4. Provide extended liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance plans.
  5. Promote in British Columbia safe driving.

In Canada the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (hereinafter ICBC) has proven to be the largest criminal organization.

In Canada ICBC is the only gang of criminals that is allowed to assign counterfeit driver's license number to individuals who has never obtained a learner's license and has been road tested. All other counterfeit driver's licenses that were issued by criminal organizations are subjected to criminal prosecution under section 376 of the Criminal Code of Canada. 

It must be noted that in Canada the production of counterfeit driver's licenses by any other criminal organization constitute serious indictable offence.

By issuing counterfeit driver's licenses to Canadians ICBC is flagrantly violating section 376 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

For the sole purpose of extorting Canadians for cash money, ICBC routinely assigned its counterfeit driver's licenses numbers to individuals who have never possessed a valid BC Driver's License.

By using its counterfeit driver's licenses to extort Canadians for so-called cash penalties ICBC has committed millions of counts of extortion, which constitute serious indictable offences under section 346 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Without fair and impartial hearings in a court, tribunal and or quasi-judicial body of competent jurisdiction, ICBC issues judgment orders prohibiting Canadians from driving a motor vehicle until such time as the extortion fees/cash penalties are paid to ICBC.

It must be noted that in Canada no legitimate court, tribunal and or quasi-judicial body has jurisdiction to issue any judgment that legitimize fake, counterfeit driver's licenses.

By issuing its unlawful judgment orders against the driving privileges of ordinary Canadians ICBC is flagrantly violation the sections 1, 7, 9,11 and 15 Charter Rights of its Canadian victims.

Tens of millions of dollars for which ICBC has unlawfully prohibited the driving privileges of Canadians are cash penalties that By-law police officers imposed on impoverished feral people who slept under tents within city limits.

ICBC'S mandate absolutely does not include its unlawful operations as collection agency for By-law police officers.

Unlike other criminal organizations, ICBC deliberately undermines the economy of British Columbia by crookedly prohibited the driving privileges of several hundred thousand Canadians who reside in British Columbia. 

ICBC'S deliberate undermining of British Columbia's economy directly affect the automobile dealerships, auto parts dealers, auto repairs and auto services businesses, and most of all, auto fuel retailers.

All of those economic opportunities that are lost as a result of ICBC'S ceaseless criminal activates would have been taxed. Therefore, ICBC is ceaselessly undermining the Government of Canada and the Government of British Columbia. 

In addition to its above criminal activities, ICBC routinely conspire with shady lawyers and crooked claimants to scam and commit frauds; and in most cases they committed frauds.

 Rather than to allow out-of-court settlements as some of the claimants desired, ICBC and its shady lawyers--who refuse to report ICBC'S criminal activities to the authorities--compelled their victims who had legitimate personal injuries claims against ICBC, to sue ICBC in the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

The undue lawsuits incurred exuberant court cost, legal fees, medical experts' fees, physiotherapy fees, and extremely expensive compensation cost for personal injuries.

These extremely high costs are paid for by ICBC policy purchasers and British Columbia's taxpayers.

The most unethical criminal offences that the agents and executives of ICBC routinely commit are the callous denial of fair compensation for legitimate claimants who desire to settle their personal injury claims out-of-court. 

In all three cases of my personal injury claims against ICBC the agents and executives refused to compensate me because I refused to sue ICBC in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. 

There are numerous other Canadians whom are callously denied compensation by ICBC because they are reasonable people who desire to settle their claims with ICBC out-of-court. Today a number of these claimants are prospective parties in future legal actions against ICBC.

You are invited to oppose or support the efforts to have this notorious criminal organization abolished and its agents and executive held accountable.


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