ICBC is not a court of law nor a quasi judicial body. Therefore ICBC does not have jurisdiction, legal rights nor constitutional right to, without fair and impartial hearings, impose cash penalties on British Columbia's motorists. By demanding thousands of dollars in cash penalties from British Columbia's motorist, ICBC is flagrantly violating each individual motorists legal and constitutional rights that include but are not limited to be protected by the law and or benefit from the law. ICBC'S practices of ripping off British Columbia's motorists constitute serious indictable criminal offenses that include but are not limited to fraud over $5,000, extortion and intimidation. By depriving the driving privileges of several hundred thousand of British Columbia's motorists ICBC is deliberately undermining British Columbia's economy. Some of ICBC'S deliberate and direct abuses are as follows: 1) Prevent several hundred thousand of British Columbia's motorists from driving to work, which in some cases cause the motorists to forfeit employment opportunities that require them to drive long distances to work at higher-paying jobs than what ICBC compels them to settle for. 2)  Prevent several hundred thousand of British Columbia's motorists from working as drivers, such as ambulance drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, limousine drivers and other delivery drivers. 3) Prevent several hundred thousand of British Columbia's motorists from purchasing fuels, auto parts, auto services, and especially new automobiles. In British Columbia, new cars dealerships and their employees are severely disadvantaged by ICBC'S corrupt and oppressive practices of unlawfully suspending the BC Driver's Licenses of several hundred thousand British Columbians, prohibiting them from registering motor vehicles in their names, purchasing BC Number Plates and purchasing their auto insurance coverage. All of which directly cause a significant number of British Columbians to stay out to the automobile market. Some of the very serious but disregarded oppressive actions by ICBC are the collections of by-law police fines, fines that wicked city officials caused to be issued to impoverished homeless people who set up their tents in public spaces. ICBC must stop being a collection agency for by-law police officers. As British Columbians and Canadians you have legal rights and Charters that are supposed to protect you from big organized corporate crooks such as ICBC. As British Columbians and Canadians you have the power to ensure that ICBC is held accountable for its crimes that it has been wilfully and without lawful excuse committing against you. Please be courageous and confident, demand the benefit and protection of the law, demand that ICBC respect and uphold your Canadian Charter Rights. As British Columbians and as Canadians have the power to cause ICBC to be prohibited from abusing your legal rights and Canadian Charter Rights. Please join my Facebook group, "Angry With ICBC", and encourage your relatives and friends who are victims of ICBC to join my group. Together we will be strong enough to take on the crooked oppressive Goliath that ICBC is. ICBC is not above the law!


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