Premier John Horgan and BC NDP'S economy does not work for all British Columbians. Regressive Conservative employers in British Columbia are using criminal record check results to bar criminals and offenders from working for honest living, pay taxes, EI & CPP. As a result of this Regressive Conservative practice taxpayers are unfairly burdened with the cost of taking care of criminal throughout their lives, and the cost to bury them after they die.

Premier John Horgan and BC NDP Government hire the fascist welfare workers are denying impoverished Black people financial assistance. Also, they withholding financial assistance cheques from some mentally ill and disabled people by barring them from welfare offices.

Premier John Horgan and BC NDP Government refuse to work with impoverished feral people who are suffering from drug addictin and mental illnesses to create reintegration communities of FREE permanent housing, and safe co-op housing for single parents families.

Also, Premier John Horgan and BC NDP Government refuse plans for School District to ensure that Gill Elementary School is sold to an organization that plans to provide free permanent housing for impoverished homeless people.

Also, Premier John Horgan and BC NDP Government condone and encourage the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia to operate as a criminal enterprise.

By Wikipedia: An excerpt...

The original purpose of ICBC was to provide universal and affordable compulsory public auto insurance in British Columbia by operating on a non-profit basis.[3][4] However, in March 2010, Christy Clark's BC Liberal government announced that it would require ICBC to pay the province dividends totaling some $778 million over three years, thus signaling the end of ICBC’s operation as a non-profit Crown corporation, and also making it the only for-profit public auto insurance provider in Canada.[5][6] These dividends eventually totalled $1.2 billion.

Nevertheless, Premier John Horgan and the BC NDP Government are encouraging ICBC to commit serious indictable criminal offences that include but not limited to extortion, intimidation, harassment and production of counterfeit driver's licenses numbers.

ICBC is not a court of law, quasi-judicial body nor a tribunal. Therefore, ICBC does not have lawful authority nor jurisdiction to without fair and impartial hearings and recourse to review impose cash penalties on Canadian Citizens. 

Further, ICBC does not have lawful authority nor jurisdiction to without fair and impartial hearings and recourse to review issue judgement orders that prohibit the driving privileges of Canadian Citizens.

Time for the people in British Columbia to get up,

and stand up for their legal and Charter Rights.

Time for the people in British Columbia to cause the perpetrators within this criminal enterprise, ICBC, to be held accountable.

Click on the links and read the articles for yourself.



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