First their bitter enemies were the Soviet Union of Socialist Republic and Northern Alliance.

It is widely believed that the United States of America (hereinafter America) under President Ronald Reagan and his Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush created them.

Under President Bill Clinton America turned against them and accused them of a plethora of false evil and terrorist acts. Bill Clinton even had the Sudanese medicine factory bombed under false claims that it was their chemical weapons factory. It must be noted that America supplied some of the medicine factory's components. On July 12, 1997 Al-Shifa opened, on August 20, 1998 an American war plane destroyed it.

After the so-called 911 aircraft attack on the World Trade Centre, under President Georg Walker Bush America aligned herself with the Northern Alliance in a concerted effort to eliminate Al Qaeda.

Acknowledging that they can no longer use conventional weapons against America and her Western allies, Al Qaeda changed their method of warfare to cyber warfare.

On January 2, 2002 at 4:43 Pacific Time they launched a massive cyber attack on MCI WorldCom.

At approximately 4:00 PM Eastern Time on August 14, 2003 they hacked into Ohio Electric Power Grid, shut it down and caused blackouts in eight states in  America and the Canadian Province of Ontario. 

That massive electric power grid failure affected more than 50 million people in the America and Ontario, Canada.

In 2014 they effected a cyber attack on MCI WorldCom that affected more than 500 million customers.

On August 20, 2014 they video recorded and published the beheading of American journalist James Foley. Subsequently via the internet they published numerous beheading of Western citizens.

In January 2015 in Paris France Charlie Hebdo shot and killed 17 people, 11 of whom were journalists. 

On November 13, 2015 again in Paris France Al Qaeda coordinated attacks killed 130 people and injured more than 350 people.

On May 12, 2015 in Philadelphia Al Qaeda overrode the controls of Amtrak rail service causing two separate train derailments that killed seven people and injuries to more that two hundred people.

The coordinated fight against Al Qaeda by Western nations and allies severely crippled Al Qaeda's activities retaliations against the West.


Under new leaderships and new name, Q Anon, they implemented a unique strategy of recruiting discontented rebellious Caucasian people to increase their membership and front line soldiers to do their misdeeds.

Currently under their American name Q Anon, with extremely little chance of using conventional weapons against the West, Q Anon cult people resort to agitate Western Governments by using false fabricated cyber propaganda and silly stories. Much of their silly stories include carefully edited [and pieced together] videos of Western political leaders saying and doing things that they truly didn't say and didn't do.

Although Western nations have defeated them, they're not going away. They remain determined to sneak in and practice Sharia Law in Western nations.

Their strategies are to recruit politically ignorant gullible people and use them to publish and spread false fabricated defamatory slanders and extremely silly stories; while at the same time dismissing the truth as fake stories, dismissing conventional news as fake news, and demanding FREEDOM, freedom to practice Sharia Law in Western nations.

On June 5, 2020 Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau joined thousands of people in an anti-racism march to draw Global attention to police public execution of the Black American man, George Floyd.

In their response to Canada’s Prime Minister participation in June 5, 2020 anti-racism march White supremacist organizations across Canada united and joined Q Anon cult people in expressing their hatred against Canada and Her Prime Minister.

Q Anon cult disciples quickly seized the opportunity and easily joined forces with Canada’s racist organizations.

Being Q Anon cult people’s new recruits, members of Canada's White supremacist organizations are eager to prove their loyalty to Q Anon cult people and rapidly moved up in ranks by steadfastly fabricating and publishing false defamatory libel slanders, and silly stories against Canada and Her Prime Minister.

Consumed by their ignorance of politics and legal practice they claim that Canada is not a FREE country. Although they do not understand Sharia Law, in their ignorance they are pressing to have Sharia Law replace the Criminal Code of Canada and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

They ceaselessly sensationalize Canada's use of force to end Q Anon cult people's use of various vehicles--mostly large trucks--to unlawfully confine 900,000 people in Ottawa, Ontario, from January 28, 2022 to February 21, 2022.

That kidnapping and unlawful confinement of 900,000 people constitute the commission of very serious indictable criminal offences and acts of Domestic Terrorism.


In 1984 RBC, CIBC, Scotia Bank, TD Canada Trust and BMO created Interact as a cooperative that e-transfer money between the banks.

In 1998 Interact commenced facilitating e-transfer for Canadian customers.

On January 3, 2009 Nakamoto created the now popular Communist Underground digital currency, BitCoin.

Due to the fact that BitCoin was so poorly created there are no provision to increase the number of BitCoins. There is no provision to split BitCoins or issue more BitCoins.

In spite of the fact that in Canada digital currencies have been commonly used for a few decades, the fact that Q Anon cult people have been using these existing digital currencies, they are publishing silly stories to convince gullible people to not accept and or use digital currencies.


In 2002 British Columbians commenced using BCeID, British Columbia’s Digital ID.

Q Anon cult people in British Columbia have been using their British Columbia Digital ID without any griping or whining.

However, their extreme hatred against Canada justifies their opposition to every advanced technology that Canada implemented at the national level as follows:

1.    Q Anon cult people opposed Covid-19 Passport

2.    Canada NEXUS Card, and

3.    ArriveCAN

Although Q Anon cult people do not oppose to YYZ express, the digital system that Greater Toronto Airport Authority (GTAA) implemented to expedite airport security check-ins, Q Anon cult people are opposing the digital systems that the Government of Canada implemented.

Please note that there is no provision in Sharia Law for the use of Digital Currencies and Digital ID.

Copyright November 12, 2022 by

© O’Neil C. Parchment


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