The only way to end mass homelessness is by providing permanent housing. Due to the fact that BC NDP chose to maintain mass homelessness instead of providing permanent housing for destitute impoverished homeless people, I have to provide the permanent housing. Also, due to the fact that destitute impoverished homeless people do not have the means to pay the market rate for safe housing, I am compelled to provide housing for FREE. Thus, I must provide FREE permanent housing.

My plans to provide FREE permanent housing relies to Government of Canada’s housing budget. The Government of Canada budgeted $70 billion for housing. It is from that $70 billion that I’ll obtain the money to purchase properties and build approximately 70 apartments, all 1 bedrooms, 458 square feet each. The primary property is the 15,000 square feet building at 3407 3rd Avenue in Port Alberni, British Columbia. The secondary will be for parking.

While I am raising startup money for the business, so that I can apply for a Government of Canada grant to purchase properties to build the apartments, I have to get at least 30 people to commit to the housing venture. With 30 dedicated tenants paying $500 per month, we can reside in the 15,000 square feet building until we obtain the grant that is required to build approximately 70 apartments. It must be noted that 3407 3rd Avenue is zoned for both commercial and dwellings.

My plans to provide FREE permanent housing are based on good research, and are well revised. It is very practical, self-sufficient and sustainable. The housing will not need perpetual government funding.

A one-time Government of Canada grant should be sufficient to purchase the properties, build the apartments and equip the micro industries. With the apartments fully paid for with Government of Canada grant, there will be no mortgage. No mortgage equates no rent, because the micro industries will generate more than enough profits to pay for the general maintenance and the bills that include: utility, water & sewage, WiFi, supplies, property taxes, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Startup investors may invest as little as $10, and earn 7% annual interest on their money. Each person who invest $100 can invest another $1,000 by convincing another 10 people to invest $100 each.

While it is good to diversify your investments, it is even better to balance your investments. By investing in the startup fundraiser of PRC you are balancing your investment portfolio: You will be providing permanent housing for rich people, middle class people, and destitute impoverished homeless people.


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